Course Sequence (Online)

Online Program

Currently we offer the Health Data Analytics and Health Informatics Management concentrations in the fully online Master of Science in Health Informatics program. The fully online program takes 2 years to complete.

Fully online students take courses in a specified order. Courses are offered in a condensed 8-week format, with students taking one course at a time. The content of courses, objectives, evaluation methods, and outcomes are identical to those for the on-campus program. Only the delivery format is different. The table below shows the sequence of courses.

Note that students that started in fall who need to take a break in the program need to skip entire semester (2 courses) to re-join the following spring cohort. Similarly, students that started in spring who need to take a break in the program may need to skip 4 courses to re-join the following fall cohort. It is critical to discuss absence with the program advisor to plan properly and avoid delayed graduation.

Click here to request additional information about the program.

Spring Start


Approx. Start Date

Approx. End Date

Data Analytics Concentration

Management Concentration

Year 1 Spring 1 Mid January Mid March GCH 500* GCH 500*
Year 1 Spring 2 Mid March Mid May HAP 618* HAP 618*
Year 1 Summer 1 Mid May Early July HAP 670 HAP 670
Year 1 Summer 2 Late June Mid August HAP 671 HAP 671
Year 1 Fall 1 Late August Late October HAP 672 HAP 672
Year 1 Fall 2 Late October Mid December** HAP 719 HAP 602
Year 2 Spring 1 Mid January Mid March HAP 720 HAP 745
Year 2 Spring 2 Mid March Mid May HAP 780 HAP 621
Year 2 Summer 1 Mid May Early July HAP 725 HAP 750
Year 2 Summer 2 Late June Mid August HAP 823 and HAP 795 HAP 713 and HAP 795
Year 2 Fall 1 Late August Late October HAP 786 HAP 786
Year 2 Fall 2 Late October Mid December* HAP 796 HAP 796

* There is a 2 week break between the end of the Fall 2 session and the beginning of the Spring 1 session. Otherwise, each session begins the day after the prior session ends.

** There is a 2 week break between the end of the Fall 2 session and the beginning of the Spring 1 session. Otherwise, each session begins the day after the prior session ends.

Fall Start


Approx. Start Date

Approx. End Date

Data Analytics


Year 1 Fall 1 Late August Late October GCH 500* GCH 500*
Year 1 Fall 2 Late October Mid December** HAP 618* HAP 618*
Year 1 Spring 1 Mid January Mid March HAP 670 HAP 670
Year 1 Spring 2 Mid March Mid May HAP 671 HAP 671
Year 1 Summer 1 Mid May Early July HAP 672 HAP 672
Year 1 Summer 2 Late June Mid August HAP 719 HAP 602
Year 2 Fall 1 Late August Late October HAP 720 HAP 745
Year 2 Fall 2 Late October Mid December** HAP 780 HAP 621
Year 2 Spring 1 Mid January Mid March HAP 725 HAP 750
Year 2 Spring 2 Mid March Mid May HAP 823 and HAP 795 HAP 713 and HAP 795
Year 2 Summer 1 Mid May Early July HAP 786 HAP 786
Year 2 Summer 2 Late June Mid August  HAP 796 HAP 796

**There is a 2 week break between the end of the Fall 2 session and the beginning of the Spring 1 session. Otherwise, each session begins the day after the prior session ends.