Writing Center The George Mason University Writing Center staff provides a variety of resources and services (e.g., tutoring, workshops, writing guides, handbooks, resume critiquing) intended to support students as they work to construct and share knowledge through writing.
Mason's University Catalog View information on admissions, tuition, expenses, financial aid, academic policies, student rights and responsibilities, general policies, University academic programs and resources, transcript key, and course descriptions.
People Finder Do you need to find someone? This online University Directory contains a consistent view of student, faculty, and staff information. You can search for a name, NetID (Mason username), phone number, fax number, building, mail stop, job title, or department.
NextBus NextBus can estimate Fairfax CUE Bus arrivals with a high degree of accuracy. This estimate is updated constantly. With NextBus, you can obtain real-time travel information via computer, phone, cell phone. or SMS (text) messaging.