Assistant Professor, HAP
Health Informatics Practicum Coordinator
Contact Information
Email: eelashka@gmu.edu
Phone: 703-993-1263
Building: Peterson Hall
Room 4411
Personal Websites
Dr. Elashkar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy, College of Public Health, teaching technical and non-technical health informatics courses that focus on health data analytics, machine learning (ML), and knowledge representation, and developing current academic and professional educational material for delivery in both online and in-person modalities. As the health informatics practicum director, she mentors health informatics students from diversified backgrounds and skill levels during their transition to the workforce, while cultivating industry professional relationships.
Dr. Elashkar’s research interest focuses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for clinical decision support. Mainly studying properties of machine learning models’ applications in clinical settings. Elashkar’s research interest is greatly influenced by her clinical background as an OB/GYN physician and her healthcare quality experience. As a member of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory (MLI)/ Data Science & Health Inference Lab (DSHI) team at GMU, she co-authored and published research in peer-reviewed journals and a textbook chapter on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management.
Dr. Elashkar has over 20 years of experience collaborating with clinical, scientific, educational, and support staff in the healthcare field. Elashkar is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality, experienced in developing policies, guidelines, performance standards, and measures as well as leading the accreditation efforts in both academic and clinical settings.
Research and Scholarship
Research Interests
- Ethical artificial intelligence in healthcare
- Machine learning
- Clinical decision support
- Clinical data analysis
- Knowledge representation
- Technical and non-technical courses for Health Informatics graduate level
- Advanced Health Information Systems
- Health Data Standards & Vocabulary
- Bio-Ontologies
- Introduction to Health Informatics
- Health Informatics Capstone Practicum
Select Publications
- Wojtusiak J, Elashkar E, Mogharab NR., C-LACE2: computational risk assessment tool for 30-day post hospital discharge mortality, Health and Technology, Springer, 2018.
- Wojtusiak J, Min, H., Elashkar, E., Mobahi, H. Guiding Supervised Learning by Bio-Ontologies in Medical Data Analysis, 4th IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop, AI4KM 2016, 2018
- Soylu, T. G., Elashkar, E., Aloudah, F., Ahmed, M., & Kitsantas, P. Racial/ethnic differences in health insurance adequacy and consistency among children: Evidence from the 2011/12 National Survey of Children's Health. J Public Health Res. 2018;7(1):1280. Published 2018 Apr 23.
- Wojtusiak J, Elashkar, E., Mogharab NR., C-LACE: Computational Model to Predict 30-Day Post-Hospitalization Mortality, Scitepress, MLI 61739/61739, 2017
- Wojtusiak J, Min, H., Elashkar, E., Mobahi, H. & Vukomanovic, S., Ontologies in Supervised Learning from Medical Data, 58268f3208ae5c0137ebad24. 2016
Professional Affiliations
- American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
- National Association of Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)
- Health Management & Information Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Machine Learning and Inference Institute (MLI), George Mason University
- Center for Discovery Science and Health Informatics, George Mason University
- MedStar Health Research Institute (MHRI), MedStar
- Institute for Biohealth Innovation (IBI), George Mason University
- American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE), Alexandria, Egypt
- MBBS, MD; Medicine and Surgery, Kasr Elaini School of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
- PHD, Health Services Research; Health Informatics, George Mason University, Virginia, USA
- CPHQ; NAHQ, Healthcare Quality, National Association of Healthcare Quality, Chicago, Illinois